Transfer Magazine
Transfer is a collection of students wrting from San Francisco State University published twice yearly in association with the Creative Writing deparment and with the support of the Instructionally Related Activities Fund.
Copyright © Spring 2019 by Associated Students. All rights revert to the contributors.
Printed and bound within the United States. Set in Cormorant.
O2 Magazine
Class of issue 001 of O2 magazine was created by a collective artists looking to capture life in quarantine.
Copyright © Summer 2020 by O2magazine
The Ana
A collection of miscellaneous information about a particular subject, person, place, or thing.
The Ana is a quarterly arts magazine that celebrates humanity. We act and publish in line with the notion that everyone's life is literature and everyone deserves access to art.
While all rights revert to contributors, The Ana would like to be noted as the first place of publication.
Interlude Lookbook
This magazine was fabricated and written by Jakob Vavrock, at Errror design studio.
"This show was his third fashion show of the year and it was made to be the climax of the past two shows and what is to come in the future shows.
direct quote: "The show featured more than 20 of Teo's original avant garde designs along with the help of Design Assistant Jules Hansen".